
Thursday, August 19, 2010

Standards Meme

This meme is for you standards geeks out there...
  1. What was your first encounter with a standard where you were aware that it was a standard?
  2. What was the first standard you liked?
  3. What was the first standard you hated?
  4. Your favorite standards organization?
  5. The first publication you commented/voted upon?
  6. The first standard/implementation guide you participated in developing?
  7. The most influential/important standard you participated in developing?
Here are my answers:
  1. ANSI C
  2. ANSI C
  3. FORTRAN 77
  4. W3C followed closely by HL7
  5. W3C DOM Level 2 (in HL7 in was CDA Release 2)
  6. Again, DOM Level 2 (and in HL7 it was Care Record Summary)
  7. Influential -- DOM Level 2, but important, CDA Release 2
I'd love to see yours in comments...



  1. 1. TCP/IP
    2. TCP/IP
    3. NetBios
    4. IETF (the old version, don't like todays IETF)
    5. CLNP
    6. IPSec
    7. RFC 3881

  2. 1. What was your first encounter with a standard where you were aware that it was a standard? : UDP
    2. What was the first standard you liked? : Toss up between X509 and PKCS10 or PC/SC2.0
    3. What was the first standard you hated? PC/SC1.0 -- but these days CoBiT has that distinction
    4. Your favorite standards organization? HL7 Canada
    5. The first publication you commented/voted upon? PC/SC 1.0 and some related RFCs
    6. The first standard/implementation guide you participated in developing? RFC 3310
    7. The most influential/important standard you participated in developing? IHE Security Cookbook (hopefully) or HL7 PASS (also hopefully)
