
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

In which I retire

The following missive crossed my inbox this morning.  As you can see, my term as cochair of the HL7 Structured Documents workgroup is up for election in January.  I will not be running for re-election, and that decision deserves some discussion.

I've been cochair of Structured documents for the last four years.  It is time, at least for me, to make way for new leadership; for a couple of different reasons. 

First and foremost is that I have now been elected to the HL7 Board.  While I don't see it as being a conflict of interest to be both a board member and a workgroup cochair, I do see it to be a conflict of time committments for me.  I do not feel that I can be as effective a board member as possible and still be a workgroup cochair.  I know other board members, and even some officers do it, but I simply cannot.  My attention simply needs to be too many places at once, and that certainly detracts from my ability to lead the Structured Documents workgroup with my other cochairs.

I have also found that as my interests in HL7 broaden, so does my desire to be involved with other workgroups.  Being able to give those groups time is even more important now that CDA Release 2.0 is on very firm ground.  I'm involved in projects in at least four different workgroups, and will continue my involvement with those projects.  I will as of January be able to devote more of my time to them, both as a contributor, and as an intersted member of the HL7 Board.  I will also continue my involvement in the Structured Documents workgroup.  I don't need cochair access to be a very strong influencer in the activities of that particular workgroup.

Finally, as a mentor told me many years ago, if you cannot be replaced, you cannot be promoted.  Well, from an HL7 perspective, I've been "promoted", and so now I need to be replaced.  I do want to continue to grow, and to do that, I will need to focus on my newest role.

At the Cambridge working group meeting, I recruited a couple of people who have many years of experience in HL7 and specifically in Structured Documents to run for the open seat.  I have nominated two people already that I think could play that role well.  I did my best in nominating to ensure that the current balance in leadership would not be altered to given any one membership category dominance in leadership roles.  There's a whole nother post on that topic that I might take some time to write if needed.

So, speaking into the future to the next Structured Documents co-chair, I give you in advance, as tradition demands, both my congratulations and my condolences.


October 27, 2010

TO:        HL7 Membership

FR:         Linda Jenkins
RE:         Call for Nominations for Upcoming Co-Chair Elections

The following HL7 work groups will be conducting co-chair elections at the HL7 working group meeting January 9-14, 2011 in Sydney, Australia.  The deadline for nominations is COB, Friday, November 26, 2010.  Nominations submitted after the deadline will not be accepted; however, write-ins will be accepted during the January WGM.

·      Clinical Genomics - electing two co-chairs to fill the positions currently held by Kevin Hughes and Mollie Ullman-Cullere (both of whom may be re-elected)
·      Clinical Interoperability Council- electing one co-chair to fill the position currently held by Steve Bentley (who may be re-elected)
·      Clinical Statement - electing two co-chairs to fill the positions currently held by Hans Buitendijk and Rik Smithies (both of whom may be re-elected)
·      Electronic Health Records - electing three co-chairs to fill the positions currently held by Don Mon and John Ritter (both of whom may be re-elected) and one new
·      Modeling & Methodology– electing one co-chair to fill the position currently held by Lloyd McKenzie (who may be re-elected)
·      Orders & Observations - electing two co-chairs to fill the positions currently held by Hans Buitendijk and Patrick Loyd (both of whom may be re-elected)
·      Patient Safety - electing one co-chair to fill the position currently held by Ali Rashidee (who may be re-elected)
·      Structured Documents - electing one co-chair to fill the position currently held Keith Boone (who may be re-elected)
·      Templates - electing one co-chair to fill the position previously held by Richard Kavanagh (who resigned) 
·      Vocabulary - electing one co-chair to fill the position held by Russ Hamm (who may be re-elected)

The formalized process for electing co-chairs is as follows:

1.     Written announcement is made to members conveying that a 30-day period for receiving nominations for co-chair position(s) has started.  This communiqué serves as that announcement to all of the work groups listed above.  Please forward all co-chair nominations via e-mail to NOMINATIONS@HL7.ORG or fax to 734-677-6622 no later than COB Friday, November 26, 2010.  Please specify the work group for which you are nominating a candidate. 
2.     A list of candidates will be announced to the membership electronically. At least two candidates should be nominated for each open position.  Note that co-chairs serve for two years and may be re-elected without limit.  When possible, co-chairs terms should be staggered to ensure continuity of leadership.  Candidates will be asked to supply a brief (one paragraph or less) statement of their credentials, reasons and vision for seeking election to the work group for which they are nominated.
3.     Per the following sections of the GOM, the January co-chair elections shall be conducted as follows:

05.02.04 Voting at the Working Group Meeting - Work Group co-chair elections shall be announced at each general session and shall open on Monday of the Working Group Meeting and continue through the following Wednesday.  Work Group co-chairs are encouraged to also announce the co-chair election in their opening comments.  The polls shall open with the general session and close at 5:30 PM Monday through Wednesday. 

Anyone in attendance at the WGM whose badge holder, issued at registration, identifies them as Members and who are subscribers of the Work Group’s primary list server as of the Wednesday preceding the WGM may pick up and complete that Work Group’s co-chair ballot at the HL7 registration desk any time during the polling hours Monday through Wednesday. 
The ballots shall be controlled by reference to a list of subscriber email addresses to the Work Group’s primary list server.  A polling site shall be established in proximity to the HL7 registration desk to allow voters to expeditiously complete the ballot and return it to the ballot box on the registration desk.

05.02.05 Tally and Announcement - The ballot box shall be secured by HL7 staff when the polls close each day.  The Associate Executive Director shall oversee the tally, including absentee ballots.  If this tally results in a tie, the decision will be made by drawing lots, unless one of the candidates involved wishes to defer to the other.  The results of co-chair elections shall be announced during the Thursday general session, posted on the announcement board near the registration desk, and provided to the Work Groups.  All ballot materials shall be retained for one month from the close of the WGM in case of a call for recount.

A copy of the GOM suitable for download and printing is available on the web site at:

This document can also be retrieved from the HL7 website with the following link:

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