
Thursday, January 13, 2011

An overdue Ad Hoc Motorcycle Guy Harley Award ...

The Ad Hoc Harleys are headed into their second year.  They were initiated on January 20th of 2010 (my Birthday).  The whole point of the Ad Hoc Harley is to recongize the contributions of someone with regard to standards who would otherwise be an unsung hero.

This particular award goes to one of those heros I first met in 2003 at an educational meeting in Chicago.  Since then I've watched him over the years invest tremendous amounts of time and effort into ensuring that more than a 1000 products work with each other, using more than 200 different specifications.  Unlike many others who get recognized here, this is part of his job, but he does that job well, and as a result of his efforts millions of lives have been made better by more interoperable healthcare products.  It is not unusual for a computer to review hundreds of thousands of complex transactions, but it is the rare individual who can claim some responsibility for the same.  This person can, and has done so more more than a decade.

In his role as "Mother" he has raised up a number of children through the complex process of ensuring systems work together.  He is a bit stern, and expects his children to grow up rather quickly, but he also manages to ensure that they do.  For his efforts, I award the next Ad Hoc Harley to:

This certifies that 
Steve Moore of the Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology

Has hereby been recognized for outstanding contributions to the forwarding of Healthcare Standardization

Congratulations Steve, and here's to another decade of testing fun.  See you in a couple of days.


  1. I will certainly second this award. He has been tirelessly testing IHE specs for ages....

  2. I third this award! I have been in awe of Steve and what he manages to pull off every year at the Connectathons since, ever, really.

  3. Without a doubt an incredible record of work. Award heartily endorsed.

  4. Well deserved indeed. Congrats Steve!

  5. Steve has consistently been one of the nicest and hardest working people I have met in the industry. This is definitely well-deserved. Congratulations!

  6. Spot on! The unsung hero of this entire industry...

  7. For all his efforts I concur with a big cheer! Congrats Steve!
