
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Call, call, call, call ... sounds like a raven.

Where does the time go?  

Tuesday's are the worst day of my week.  I get on the phone starting at 9:00 and don't get off until 5:00, with no break for lunch.  More than half of these calls are dealing with SDO efforts involving HL7, IHE or the ONC SI framework.  Others are related, e.g., EHRA calls.

In a typical week, for HL7 I have as many as 5.5 hours of meetings. For IHE PCC, I have from up to 3 hours of calls I could attend.  For the ONC Transitions of Care I could attend 7.5 hours of calls. For the ONC Laboratory Reporting Initiative I could attend 4 hours of calls.  For EHRA there are as many as 4 hours of calls I could attend.

That's 3 solid days (24 hours) worth of phone calls, leaving the remaining 16 to do the actual work, and doesn't count any time for internal calls or "real work".

Needless to say, I'm not on every call I could possibly be on.  After all, everything that is urgent is not necessarily important.  But for some reason, I cannot seem to make a free hour on Tuesday (internal calls are not shown above).  On Tuesday's everything seems to be important.  So, today's blog post is me whining about calls ... instead of something useful.

And of course, there's personal time needed to finish up proofs on the CDA book.  Fortunately, I finished last night at oh-dark-thirty.  It should be out in a few more weeks.

Sorry.  Maybe if everything wasn't so urgent it would be different.  Maybe next week will be better.  Oh.  I forgot.  It's the HL7 Working Group meeting.  We start at 8:00 with meetings over breakfast and go into Dinner and the meetings after dinner.  Well, at least I'll be in Orlando where the weather will be nice -- nope, sorry, not this time.

1 comment:

  1. Hence why I was glad for you to take S&I Framework, since I gave my last year to the Direct Project. Somehow these projects think that they get to overwhelm as a method of success. This works for a while, then burnout.
