
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

My HIT100 Nominees

TheEHRGuy (Michael Planchart) started it.  These are simply my nominations for it, not the final list.

Michael Planchart
The hash tag  is representative of the top 100 influential people for Health Information Technology in social media.

You are probably familiar with the Modern Healthcare 100 list or the Healthcare Informatics 100 list.  When they came around again this year, I was wondering if there would ever be a list of movers and shakers in Health IT that I might show up on.  Well, I guess this is one of them.

Given that this was announced on twitter, most of the nominees already thus far are on Twitter, but social media for me includes bloggers and others using Facebook, LinkedIn and other Social Media venues.  For example, John Halamka does very little on Twitter, but his blog is extremely influential in Health IT, and the same is true for many others. My scope is International, rather than US Centric, although it is, due to my location, heavily influenced by my location in the US.  Influential to me is qualified by "in social media", so although @Farzad_ONC is extremely influential in Healthcare IT, it is not really due to his activities in Social Media, and so he doesn't make my list (this year).

Here are my selections (around 75), along with a brief explanation of why and links to their twitter handles and blogs (Sorry, just not a facebook kinda person).

Name Twitter Handle Blog or Website
Amit Popat Comments on HealthCare Standards
Amit is a member of the IHE Quality, Research and Public Health Workgroup and as you can guess, an avid @motorcycle_guy follower. I conned him into this gig by tweeting about a conversation he had with another colleage. He's done remarkable work since then.
Andy Oram @praxagora O'Reilly Radar
Andy's now in charge of the Healthcare sector for O'Reilly media. He writes from time to time on Radar.
Anita Samarth @anitasamarth
Tweeter on Meaningful Use, HITPOL and HealthIt
Arien Malec @amalec
Leader of Direct Project and coordinator of SI Framework efforts. Tweets mostly related to those topics, and not so much lately.
Barbara Duck @MedicalQuack The Medical Quack
Two words: Algorithms and Bar-codes. A busy web site, with occasional scoops from the Health IT industry.
Blackford Middleton @bfm
Infrequent but interesting and sometimes obscure tweeter on Health Technology
Brian Ahier @ahier Healthcare, Technology and Government 2.0
O'Reilly Radar
Wow, what can I say. This guy is everywhere. One of my first follows and should definitely be one of yours for anything HIT related. Great collator of news and definitely Writer 2.0
Bruce Schneier @schneierblog Schneier on Security
Nothing usually HealthIT specific, but if you aren't following his blog, you should be.
Chris Connor @eclinicalguru Musings on Clinical Development Process and Technologies
I just like his tweets, but he's been in Stealth mode (perhaps still is) for quite a while.
Dave deBronkart @ePatientDave e-Patient Dave
The New Life of e-Patient Dave
The spearhead of the e-Patient movement. Give him his damn data.
Dave Shaver @realworldhl7
I would expect that Dave is the reason that Corepoint has a really good Social Media presense. I think he used to tweet HealthStandards before Erica took that over. Dave's a long time HL7'er.
David Tao Harmonious Health IT
David Tao is a Siemens Standards Geek. Very bright, very harmonious. When David talks, I listen.
Didi Davis @DidiDavis HIT Gypsy
Contributor to many HIT efforts nationally and regionally, writing about some of them infrequently.
Ed Butler @ej_butler #hcsmanz
A tweeter from Downunder, who is one of the leaders behind #hcsmanz
Erica Olenski @HealthStandards@TheGr8Chalupa HL7 Standards #HITsm
Erica is one of the driving forces (along with Dave Shaver) behind the @HealthStandards twitter handle, and is also the leader of the HITsm chat on Monday nights. That chat has been the source of a great many twitter connections for me.
Erik Pupo @erikpupo
Modeller extraordinaire, leading up #siframework TOC efforts and former HITSPite
Faisal Qureshi @faisal_q
Cool thoughts on Healthcare IT
Fred Trotter @fredtrotter
Hacker (white hat) working for social change, especially in Healthcare
Gary L. Thompson @CLOUDHealth Cloud
Big proponent of cloud computing (obviously), with great insights on what it can do for Healthcare.
Glen F Marshall @glenfmarshall
One of my mentors in IHE, early leader of IT Infrastructure, now tweeting useful and sometimes fun stuff on technology and security/privacy (one of his areas of expertise).
Grahame Grieve Health Intersections
Graham is another HL7 Geek who recently started blogging on the underpinnings (or perhaps the underside) of HL7 Version 3. Great person to know and a reviewer of at least 5 chapters of The CDA Book.
Healther Leslie @omowizard Archetypical
I met Heather in Australia in January, along with Sam Heard (see below). She writes about OpenEHR archetypes and clinical models.
Inga @IngaHIStalk
Not sure whether Mr. HISTalk or Inga is doing the real work. Again, great source of news and rumours.
Jacob Reider @Jacobr Doc Notes
Jacob is a really great guy, and I really like his musings. He's also been around the block a few times in HealthIT.
Janice McCallum @janicemccallum Health Content Advisors
I met Janice through Brian Ahier who RT'd one of her tweets. Turns out one of her family members goes to my church. I follow Janice for her focus on Health content and EBM.
Jason Colquitt @jasoncolquitt
One L, two T's. Both crossed. Detail oriented IHE guy, and tweeter on HealthIT and HITPOL issues, as well as live-tweeting some great stuff.
Jeff Brandt @jeffbrandt
I met Jeff at HIMSS this year, he's doing (and tweeting about) cool stuff in #mHealth and the Cloud
Jenny Laurello @HITExchange Health IT Exchange
I don't know where Jenny finds some of the stuff she tweets about
Jim Tate @jimtate
Great links on HITECH, MU, Certification, et cetera. I know Jim's helped a number of organizations get their products certified.
Joel Amoussou @jamoussou Adventures in Computing
I love good techy writing, and Joel excells at it. His posts go in depth into technical details. We don't always agree on things, but we have great conversations.
John Halamka @jhalamka Life as a Healthcare CIO
Oh man, do I need to say more? John's probably the single most influential blogger in the Healthcare IT space that I can think of. His reach is even more important because he hits people outside of the #HITsm spectrum.
John Moehrke @johnmoehrke Healthcare Security/Privacy
John does for the Security/Privacy space in HL7 and IHE as I do for the Clinical Content space. He's a colleage at GE Healthcare, and if it weren't for him (and to some degree Glen Marshall), I wouldn't know half of what I do about security.
John Moore @john_chilmark Chilmark Research
Great analysis of the Healthcare Industry, much of it shared (in summary form) on his blog.
Justin Barnes @HITAdvisor
Justin is a great person to follow on HIT Policy issues. A former chair of the EHRA.
Keith W. Boone @motorcycle_guy Healthcare Standards
The list wouldn't be complete if I wasn't on it, but I'll let you decide why.
Linda Lia @EMRAnswers The EHR Project
I just started following Linda because I realized that even though I was seeing several of her tweets a day in my stream, I was missing at least half. A sign of great content.
Margalit Gur-Arie @margalitgurarie On Healthcare Technology
Extremely thoughtful posts about Healthcare IT and policy. She deserves to be in my auto-tweet stream (and now is).
Mark Segal @msegal111
Mark is another GE collegue. He follows HIT Policy issues and tweets useful facts about Meaningful Use.
Michael Planchart @theEHRGuy The EHR Guy's Blog
I mostly know theEHRGuy because he's been a strong supporter of The CDA Book. I've been to his site several times, but can't get there today for some reason.
Mr. HISTalk @histalk HISTalk
The enigmatic Mr. HISTalk and his website is a great source of HIT news, rumors, et cetera affecting our industry.
Nate Osit @NateOsit Bio-Digital Jazz
An incredible up and comer in the Twitter #HITsm and #pickAHashTag streams.
NIST @usnistgov
NIST is involved in a lot of efforts around Healthcare IT. I follow them because I want to see what they are talking about. Just of bit of it is related.
Pam Dolan @Pdolan_amnews American Medical News
Pam covers HealthIT issues for American Medical News. She's one of the few Healthcare reporters I know through twitter.
Paul F Levy @Paulflevy Not Running a Hospital
Occasional insightful posts since he left BIDMC, the older stuff is definitely worth reading. I hope he lands somewhere that will allow him to get back to more operational healthcare blogging.
Peter Hendler @drjava
One of the leaders of HL7 RIMBAA efforts, and java developer extroidinaire
Phil Bauman @HealthIsSocial@PhilBauman Health Is Social
Phil regulary writes insightful posts on his blog about Health IT and its intersection with Social Media.
Regina Holliday @ReginaHolliday Regina Holliday's Medical Advocacy Blog
I first encountered Regina's story when it was live-streamed during the Meaningful Use regulation announcements. I cried for her. I've heard it again several times. Her work is an extremely powerful incentive to get [Health] IT right.
Rene Spronk @Ringholm Ringholm bv Blog
Rene is one of those non-US HL7 geeks that has a lot to contribute on CDA, RIMBAA, Java, and V3. His blog is definitely worth reading.
Rich Elmore @richelmore
Rich was another one of the contributors to the Direct project and I've been following him since then.
Robert Horn @rjhorniii Fairhaven, The River
Rob is an ubergeek. He does GIT in e-macs. Really well-thought out insights into Healthcare IT. You don't really get all that from his blog right way, for that you need to meet him in person, but well worth meeting.
Ross Martin @RossMartin Ross Martin, MD The American College of Informatimusicology
Ross makes us laugh at ourselves and does so in an incredibly artistic and musical way. Extremely talented. Worth a follow just for the occasional new production.
Sam Heard @samheardoi
Member of the OpenEHR board and infrequent twitterer, but tweets the occasional pithy remark or insightful idea.
Shawn Riley @rilescat Health Technica
Shawn was my first Health IT follow, probably because "Health IT" is his middle name on twitter.
Susannah Fox @SusannahFox Pew Internet
Susannah knows what patients are doing, and she tells you regularly based on Pew Internet research.
Tim O'Reilly @radar O'Reilly Radar
Tim's musings on Healthcare IT are definitely worth reading. His musings on General IT too.
Tom Sullivan @GovHITeditor Government HealthIT
Editor of GovernmentHIT and tweets on related topics.
Tonya Hongsermeier @drtonyah
Clinical Informaticist at Partners and sometime tweeter about CDS and EBM
Vince Kuraitis @VinceKuraitis e-CareManagement Blog
Vince is better than Google and Bing combined when looking for Social Media content. Twice he beat Google and Bing on making lists of important posts on topics like PCAST and MU.
Wes Rishel @wrishel Wes Rishel
Wes is one of the grand old men of HL7, and a former chair of the Organization, and an analyst for Gartner on Health IT. I first met him in the Claims Attachments workgroup of HL7 which he led for many years. He writes periodically about Health IT issues, especially those being faced by the HIT Standards Committee (of which he is a member). Some of his writing spawned the Direct project.
ACO Digest@ACODigest ACO Digest
ACO Digest hosts a great web site containing new of interest on ACOs.
Good resources usually from the AHIMA Website.
American Medical News@amednews American Medical News
First of many media outlets on my media list. Useful for getting viewpoints from American medical Association.
Healthcare Scene@emrandhit Healthcare Scene
Great set of web resoures and posts that I refer to frequenly
GE Healthcare Solutions@GEHCSolutions Next Level
Tweeter of great posts from a variety of bloggers on getting to the next level.
Government Health IT@GovHIT Government HealthIT
Another Media Outlet, covering what's going on in the US Government space with respect to HIT.
Healthcare Informatics@HCInformatics Healthcare Informatics
Another Media Outlet, covering from the Informatics perspective.
As a professional association, HIMSS is one of the driving forces behind Healthcare IT and Interoperability. I love reading their blog and know many of the contributors personally.
Healthcare IT News@HITNewsTweet Healthcare IT News
One of my favorite media sources of great info on Healthcare IT, and a place that occasionally picks up my better posts.
iHealthBeat@iHealthBeat iHealthBeat
Great list of daily tweets, usually summarizing good journalism elsewhere.
Modern Healthcare@modrnhealthcr Modern Healthcare
Another great media outlet, and home of the Healthcare 100.
NeHC@NationaleHealth National eHealth Collaborative
NeHC puts on a number of great educational events, many free. I follow them for news on what they are doing next.
Perficient_HC posts a lot of tweets about HealthIT, links I usually end up following.
W3C @w3c
W3C Standards are used throughout quite a bit of Healthcare IT. I follow W3C to see whats coming.


  1. Dang, I better up my Twitter and blog game so I can make the list next year.

  2. Any "Top X List" will raise more questions about who should have been on it (and I as a non-Tweeter am amazed that I made it -- I guess this goes to show that minorities are not excluded!). But I find this particularly useful as a list of happening blogs/websites.
