
Thursday, July 21, 2011

HealthIT Standards Chat

OK, I've been dabbling in the #HITsm tweetchats, and I've decided now that I need to really take the plunge.  Here is my plan:

Every other Wednesday at 5:00 PM Eastern Time (to give @GrahameGrieve a 7:00am start) starting August 10th, I'm going to host a tweetchat on Healthcare Standards (hashtag #HITstd) every other week (it may become more frequent as there becomes demand).

I'll set the broad topics for the first few as follows:

August 10th: Clinical Document Architecture (CDA, CCD, C32, CDA Consolidation questions welcome)
August 24th: Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise, PCC, ITI and QRPH Domains
September 7th:  CCR with special guest @techydoc

The way it will work is that I'll start, introduce the topic, and then you ask your questions.  I and other experts and implementers who are participating will try to answer your question, or point you to where you can find your answers.  Not every question has an easy answer to write in 140 characters.  Some may result in blog posts later.  Some questions might be answered with IDK (I don't know).  We'll see what happens and how things evolve.

I'm gonna need some help here.  I know HL7 Version 2, Version 3, CDA, and IHE PCC and ITI profiles, and some from QRPH.  I need people who know NCPDP, X12, Direct and other specifications and standards to help.

The last few of minutes we'll wrap up with how to address outstanding answers needed, and may ask for input on subsequent topics.

   -- Keith

P.S.  Stay tuned for Monday's #HITsm Tweet-chat.  I have something fun up my sleeve.

1 comment:

  1. Keith,

    I have couple of questions, I would highly appreciate if you can help
    me getting answers.

    1.What is difference between various documents published by IHE and
    HITSP. they looks similar

    For example HITSP C28 vs IHE(Emergency Department Encounter Summary)

    2. IHE profiles provide the sections of a clinical documents, but how
    do i know what are the data elements a section may have and the XML
    representation of the data elements.
    EG.for Review of Systems what are the data elements we may have inside
    the ENTRY tag.

    3. if i create a database using all data elements from HITSP C-83,
    would that be good enough to store all data elements(inside Entry tag) we may have in
    all kind of CDA(C28,C48, XDS-MS, healthstory etc) documents.

