
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

It's all in the Timing

Timing is everything, but there are times when you just have to recognize opportunities.  I got a call from the School district two weeks ago.  It was one of those automated calls used to alert parents about school meetings and activities affecting the district.  Buried in the details of this call was a meeting to discuss how to develop a sustainably healthy community in our town.  It was a morning meeting, but I could miss an hour or so of morning time, and make up for it at the end of the day. It sounded interesting, and I was seeing some opportunities there, So my wife and I RSVP'd.

I started a little bit of digging to learn more, and found out that it was the quarterly meeting of Massachusetts CHNA 20.  I also learned that my town had been awarded $3,500 by the CHNA for a Health Literacy project.   Of course I have my own ideas about what a Health Literacy project should look like.

I shared them with my town's public Health nurse, and also with my local hospital's community representative (she's working with several other regions on similar projects).  So now I've been invited to another meeting tomorrow to learn more about my town's project.  And all of this comes just days before HIMSS, where I might actually be able to connect with some of the luminaries that I know who might be able to help me with this.  Talk about great timing!  W00T!

OK, back to the PC Swap just before a vital demo at HIMSS (Talk about miserable timing!)


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