
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

When SDOs Collide

The other day, a message like this showed up in my inbox.  You may have seen it also.  Now, the other part of the story is that SDO2 has been doing this kind of thing for years, and is already a leader in that space, to the point that the standard is being adopted by governmental agencies.

So, why would I spend my money this way? Whom does this benefit?  Certainly not my industry.  It might have been helpful if the problem being solved was a) one that didn't already have a solution, and b) needed one.


P.S.  What's nice about this one is that I get to sit it out... I'm familiar with both SDOs but not deeply involved in either, and the purpose-of-use isn't my baliwick.  I'm just hoping they can learn from the prior SDO wars we've all seen.

The SDO1 invites Your Employer to be part of a new initiative to develop a machine-readable content classification standard that will enable the interoperable exchange of Content via System.

The Name of our Proposed Standard Technical Committee will define a Geek-speak-gobbelty-gook comprised of a standards-based vocabulary and content classification ontology.
The group will also collaborate on an eStudly-Capped-Acronym data model and format for exchanging content via the cloud or physical media. eStudly-Capped-Acronym will be designed to support government agency requirements as well as long-term electronic archiving of content.

All purpose-of-use stakeholders are invited to participate in this standard. The work will build on some other Reference Model produced by the yet another Community and on the CamelCasedNameWeCanTrademark eStudly-Capped-Acronym Specification; additional input contributions will be welcome.

As a member of the SDO1 eStudly-Capped-Acronym Committee, Your Employer has the opportunity to influence the development of eStudly-Capped-Acronym as an international standard. You ensure your requirements and use cases are taken into account and promote demand for compliant products.

You are welcome to join the eStudly-Capped-Acronym TC at any time, but in order to secure voting rights at the first meeting on 16 Dec (where a chair or two co-chairs will be elected) you must join by 9 Dec.

SDO1 membership is the only requirement for participation. You may choose between several dues/benefits levels (see link below).

Please let me know if you have questions about the eStudly-Capped-Acronym TC technical agenda or about getting involved in this work. We would welcome your participation.

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