
Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Apple IOS10 to support HL7 CDA in HealthKit

This is pretty big news from Apple for HL7, and something I'm rather feeling a bit proud of myself, even if I only played a small part in getting us to this stage.

Thanks to Andy Stechishin of the HL7 Mobile Health Workgroup for spotting this one and bringing it to the attention of HL7 Membership.


P.S. Now if we can get the technology giant to pay attention to FHIR, my day will be made.


  1. Please explain what is now possible that was impossible before. Seems like much to do about nothing.

  2. Please explain what is now possible that was impossible before. Seems like much to do about nothing.

  3. They are aware of FHIR. They do have an interest in it. I had the pleasure of directly presenting to some decision makers there my vision of where I thought Apple could really run with FHIR and make strides in the industry. There are some pretty good people working there. They have taken notice of FHIR. Hopefully they will make your day before too long, Keith. It could be a game changer in consumer health devices.
