
Wednesday, April 10, 2019

V2-to-FHIR on GitHub

The tooling subgroup of the V2 to FHIR project met a minor milestone today, creating the code repository for V2 to FHIR tools in HL7's Github.  If you want to become a contributor to this team, let me know, either here or via e-mail (see the send-me an email link to the right).

Our first call for contributions are sample messages including ADT, MDM, ORU, SIU and VXU messages from any HL7 V2 version in either ER7 (pipes and hats) or XML formats.  We'll be using these samples to test various tools to run the V2 to FHIR conversion processes in different tools in the May V2-to-FHIR tooling track.  There will be more information about that track provided on the O&O V2-to-FHIR tooling call on Wednesday April 24th at 3pm EDT

We are looking for real world testing data, rather than simple sample messages, with the kind of variation we'd expect to see in the wild.  If you have messages that you've used for testing your Version 2 interfaces, test messages for validating interfaces, et cetera, and want to contribute, we'd appreciate your sending them along.  You can either become a contributor, or send me a link to your zip file, or send me an e-mail with your sample messages, and I'll work on getting them into the repo.

No PHI please.  Yes, we are looking for real world data, but no, we don't want real world patient identities in here.  I know you know the reasons why, but I probably should say it anyway.

In contributing this data, you will be granting HL7 the rights to use this data for the V2 to FHIR project, just as you would with any other contribution you make to an HL7 project.


  1. given what I have seen on real-world compliance to HL7 v2... you could just use /dev/random

    1. And that would be why you aren't a committer ;-)

  2. I can provide tonnes of semi-compliant messages. How complex do you want?
