
Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Towards of Common Lexicon for Requirements

Interoperability requirements are notoriously unbalanced, and the explanation for that can be readily found in the oft-quoted Postel's law.

Senders (clients) should have care, receivers (servers) should be forgiving.  This creates a non-uniformity in specifying requirements within an interchange.

Those of us who work in this space are quite commonly familiar with the SHALL/SHOULD/MAY requirements language of RFC-2119.  Some attempts have been made to get that to address the reality of interoperability (see RFC-6919), but humor aside, there's a real challenge here for interoperability experts.

We want to be able to simply express for an exchange the following notions:

  1. The server must support this parameter/field, the client is free to use it as it wishes.
  2. The client must/is recommended/may send this field, the server is free too use it if need be.
  3. The server requires this of the client, it must comply.
  4. The server must support this to address deficient clients, but clients claiming conformance must do it differently if they expect their claims to be taken seriously.
  5. If the client has this data, it must be sent in this field to the server.  If the client doesn't have it, it can be omitted (or marked as not available, null, or in some other way).
Various different attempts have been made to address this:
Version 3 uses the terms mandatory, required and optional.  IHE has defined R2 (required if known), but this terminology is neither ubiquitous, nor readily understood.  FHIR includes "must support", but requires an implementation guide to define the meaning of it in practice.

Data sent in these transmissions have different permanence.  In some cases, a sent field is simply acted upon (or not) by the server, depending on it's function and is subsequently discarded, in others, it is forever indelibly scarred into the ether as an anomaly in the space-time continuum that a forward observer can reliably detect (i.e., written to storage).  And there are the in-between cases of these.

Cardinality constraints have often been looked at as a way to address this issue.  When the minimum cardinality is 0, an item it optional, when greater than 0, required.  But that fails the case of sometimes I must send it (because I know), but when I don't know I don't have to send it.  The data has utility, and use of it can affect outcomes significantly.

The value in an exchange of defining such a common lexicon for describing interchange requirements would be that it would enable the requirements to be readily determined of the data element from the perspective of either the client or the server.

I don't have the words for these concepts, but to explain the value for them, I have about 300 lines of CapabilityStatement generated for the SANER client, and another 300 lines for the server.  There are 30 lines of differences between the two, and these are all about SHALL/SHOULD/MAY sort of requirements, addressing this disparity in viewpoints.

Which leads me to an exercise to be performed, which is to take the 5x5 grid of SHALL/SHOULD/MAY/SHOULD NOT/SHALL NOT requirements for a client against those of a server (and the "if known" variants), determine how many of these are meaningful, and from their, determine what those meanings actually say.

It may well be that as for time, there's an algebra to these client server relationships, and a way to describing them meaningfully.  And as in all relationships, I'm sure I'll find some cases that are simply disfunctional.


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