
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Customer Service, a Hello, Upcoming Events and IHE Planning

SK wants to know:
Do we have any other (CDA based) templates other than CCD , which will enable us to provide discharge summary etc in cda format itself. As per your article, these kind of standards are in discussion and i would be thankful if you can advise me if there are any approved standards..

IHE Patient Care Coordination developed a discharge summary quite a number of years ago.  In fact, it was the first profiles developed by that committee, placing it in the 2005-06 season.  This post lists about 46 different CDA document implementation guides from four different sources

MO wants to know:
The NIST Test Procedure for §170.302 (v) Encryption when exchanging electronic health information and the Test Procedure for §170.302 (u) General Encryption require the tester to demonstrate that the encrypted data is unreadable.  If using a third party mechanism, say a VPN, I don't think the data is accessible.  How would NIST want this demonstrated?

I punted this one to John Moehrke, you'll have to read his answer here.

Liz, LF said to say hi.  Hi!

Upcoming Events
Tomorrow I'll be heading back to near where I grew up, in Valley Forge, PA to speak at the "Crossing the Infrastructure & HITECH Meaningful Divide Symposium" being held at the Raddison Hotel in the Valley Forge Convention Center Complex.  I'll be speaking on EHR and the Meaningful Evolution of Standards on Thursday morning.

IHE Planning Week at RSNA
Tomorrow ends the IHE PCC planning meetings to discuss our upcoming profiles.  We've heard from four different proposal teams on:

  1. Nursing Admission Problem Reconciliation
  2. Nursing Vocabulary Value Sets
  3. Transport Workflow
  4. Completion of Perinatal Profiles
We've had some great discussions, and will come to consensus tomorrow on what to move forward with to the technical committee meeting in November.  Some of my thoughts:  We may expand the reconciliation profile to problems in general, although there's some discussion about how this is an interoperability profile.  The evolution of transport workflow will likely depend on the data requirements, it could merge into ETC or stand on its own or both could be derived from a common data set.  I believe we will have some concrete requests for what to bring to the technical committee for discussion.

The teams did a great job with value statements, resourcing of the efforts, and talking about market participation that I mentioned yesterday.

We also reviewed several change proposals, including one from Andrew at NIST that I've been behind on getting done for more than a year.  Somehow I thought I'd managed to fob that off on someone else but it's back in my court.  That was, as I recall, approved to move forward so now I have to write up the changes.

My hope is that we can also review a revision of the Functional Status Assessment profile as well, and bring it in line with current HL7 Patient Care work on assessments.

Ok, back to the CDA book. Ten days and counting...

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