
Thursday, October 4, 2018

Deep, Significant and Detailed HL7 Contributions

One of the points of the Ad Hoc Harley award is to recognize unsung heroes in heath IT standards. Almost all past awardees have been people I've worked with directly in standards development. While I have met the current awardee in person we've not spent much time collaborating on anything together, even though he's a fellow New Englander. Even so, I've still benefited from his work in standards, and his open source contributions.

According to two very smart people I know (one a past awardee), he's one of the smartest people they know. In addition to being a brilliant computer scientist [an assessment I heartily agree with having read, used and tweaked his code], he is also an accomplished singer who can harmonize with anything, a person of great humility, and a devoted family man.

While he was unable to be at the HL7 Working group this week, his work was demonstrated in several committee meetings.

His contributions include:

  • CQL
  • CDS Connect
  • Maintenance of the Quality Data Model
  • Invaluable feedback on the CDC Opioid prescribing guidelines.
  • Synthea’s Generic Module Framework

Without further ado:

This certifies that
Chris Moesel of MITRE

has hereby been recognized for deep, significant and detailed contributions to HL7 standards.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Keith. It's an honor to receive this award, and an honor to have had the opportunity to work on these projects with some amazing people. Let's keep on working to make healthcare better!
