What do I expect to see? Here's my short list of predictions:
- HL7 CDA Consolidation (but no Green CDA) to replace CCD (it includes a CCD 1.1), and to add other document formats, and no CCR for Stage 2.
- SNOMED, LOINC and RxNORM for vocabularies, and my guess based on this post, is that ICD won't appear.
- Direct and NwHIN Exchange for Health Information Exchange
- HL7 Version 2.5.1 for Reportable Labs (LRI), Syndromic Surveillance (ISDS) and Immunization Reporting (CDC)
- eRX will continue to allow both HL7 V2, and NCPDP, but may advance the standard versions.
We'll take a look see how well I did when the NPRM comes out.
- Keith
Basically nailed it on the head right down the line with exception of ICD. Yes, they did include ICD-10. And I didn't predict InfoButton!