EHRs are going to be more widely used. Therefore:
- There will be increased hazards with respect to provider liability in their use.
- Plaintiffs might use your EHR data against you.
- Use of electronic records might land you in court.
Never mind that:
- Physicians who use EHRs pay fewer malpractice claims.
- Or that use of CPOE and Clinical Decision Support can reduce medication errors.
- Or that EHRs can cut long term operating costs.
- Or that EHRs could improve the quality of care.
Because, after all, change in the way medicine is practiced is always risky. Therefore it should be avoided.
So, remember and be afraid.
I am an IT graduate and I am glad that IT helps doctor a lot when it comes to making the work more faster that way back in the past. I have researched about it a bit and I stumbledupon and got some interesting article about More Doctors are Now Using EHR: Know their Reasons at