Thursday, December 20, 2012

With apologies to Clement Clark Moore

Twas just days before Christmas,
when all through the house
Not an HID was stirring, not even a mouse.
The phones were all laid in their chargers with care,
In hopes that all T-cons could wait 'til next year.

The geeks were all nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of RTs danced in their heads.
And ma w/ her facebook, & I gave my last tweet,
were just settling our iPads for a long winter’s sleep.

And then, there on twitter, I heard of a spoof
of a Christmas poem marked with a W00T!
As I drew up my tablet, and was pulling it down,
it popped up in FlipBoard with hardly a sound.

OMG it was funny, that silly elf,
I ROTFL in spite of my self.
And laying my finger on the button to close,
I went back to bed, happier than I rose.

Happy Christmas to All, and to all a good-night!


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