Friday, September 3, 2010

I wanna be an ePatient

Not sure what the tune is to go with this, but it's sort'a semi-RAP with lots of attitude.

I wanna be an e-Patient
To be a patient like Dave
Give me my damn data!
'Cause it's my life to save

I want to be an e-patient,
Under Meaningful Use
you can have my consent
to share without abuse


Send me my damn data,
in a Patient Summary
You can use a CCR
But I'd prefer a CCD!


I got my healthcare Inbox
You can send it DIRECT
To my HIE


Hey I'm an e-Patient
Measurin' your quality
I'm gonna share my data
with other patients like Me
Hey I'm an e-Patient
and you can be to
Just need ask your doctor
for your C32

This blog post constitutes my formal submission for entrance to the The American College of Medical Informatimusicology.  I now return you to your normal weekly broadcast.  Enjoy the long weekend.


Updated 6-26-2011 with the video taken at #HealthFoo


  1. This is positively awesome! The American College of Medical Informatimusicology is even awesomer.

    Nice Job.

    I'll see you traveling through Latin America.

  2. You just made my day, dude. The endorphin burst I got from LOLing this will shoot me through the weekend!

    Who's got a rhythm machine? We gotta do this up.

  3. The American College of Medical Informatimusicology acknowledges receipt of your submission to our official journal, JACMI, "I wanna be an ePatient". We will review your submission through our standard peer-review process and will will inform you of our decision once complete.

    Note that submissions for consideration as applications for admission to the College as a Member or Fellow must be accompanied by a recording of the work. MP3 files are preferred; CDs, audio/video combinations such as YouTube music videos are also acceptable. Lyrics-only submissions are automatically forwarded to our sister organization, the American College of Medical Informatilyricology.

    Yours in the quest for eminence through hyperspecialization,

    Ross D. Martin, MD, MHA FACMI
    President, Founder and Fellow
    American College of Medical Informatimusicology
    Editor-in-Chief, Journal of the American College of Medical Informatimusicology

  4. Hey you are famous... e-Patient Dave rapped your first stanza in his ted-talk.
